Who are Jack and Jane?

One part Gen X mixed with an equal part of Gen Rx, "Jack" and "Jane," are two generations of creative, moody, modern culture dwellers. Each is coming to an age of change in his or her life: "Jack" to his 18th birthday, and "Jane" to her 40th. It has been a wild ride for each.

Products of long-term marriage and, alternately, divorce; the disco era and that of grunge; teen years a la John Hughes and opposing inspiration from Tarantino, these two often disagree with the other's perspective, but somehow manage to find middle ground. With a co-affinity for food, music, movies, faith, fashion, technology, and pseudonyms, "Jack" and "Jane" explore these topics from a generational viewpoint.

Although their stories and influences are different, the commonalities found by this mom and son provide the backdrop for a culture cocktail which is sometimes stirred and shaken, sometimes bittersweet, but always colorful and tasty.
